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Pulsology 1

The Cardiac Auricular Reflex (CAR), the dynamic signal of the radial pulse discovered by Dr. P. Nogier, will be the foundation of this first study. Beyond this short signal, a continuous biophysical language, interrupted by periods of stillness, arises. This language seems to mirror an electromagnetic interaction. But, for the moment, let us learn how to feel the pulse.


Basic training of the thumb: the pulsologist must look for the two alternating waves, the shunting (back and forth) of the alternating binomial, or couple, in order to put the most sensitive part, the tip of the thumb, between the two waves at the most appropriate place. This positioning of the thumb is of primary importance because although the trough of the wave is almost stationary it is not really fixed: it is subject to a slow, sliding motion back and forth. This means that the position of the thumb needs to be constantly readjusted by sliding it gently back and forth.


Pulsology 2

The acupuncture points that we are going to introduce you to have no anatomical reality. They are purely virtual entities, whose essence is pulsological. What a terrible perspective, you must be thinking! How to find a spot about a millimeter in diameter on the surface of the whole body, simply by using the pulse? An acupuncture point, mathematically defined, is the intersection of two orthogonal straight lines. It can be expressed using coordinates which can be used to approach it. Starting with simple biophysical laws, the points appear in their two traditional forms: the «dispersal point» and «toning up point».

Studying them leads us to refer to the acupuncture «Meridien lines » and to apply to them the language of the pulse.

The priority we give to the language of the pulse in our research is what validates this study. At the beginning of our investigations, in spite of our great lack of control of the EM fields, the points and meridians forced themselves upon us. That shows just how powerful they are…

…To conclude this early approach to acupuncture points, let us keep in mind the “historical” character of this description. Later, thanks to our technological progress, we shall see that the definition of these points has been enriched: on the one hand, as we shall explain, the Zero points form two null axes between two oscillating quadrants (those which are opposite diagonal-wise oscillate in phase, adjacent ones in opposite phase); on the other hand, we shall describe other forms of acupuncture points, the ones we have just mentioned representing only one form. The distinction between longitudinal and transversal oscillations becomes secondary.


Pulsology 3

As soon as the radial pulse is detected, it manifests itself in the form of alternate waves (the alternate binomials). This oscillating state is subject to two factors: mechanical and electromagnetic (EM). Under certain conditions, this pulse may be calm and quiet. Incidentally, it is from this benign state that young doctors can feel and detect their first « CAR ». In spite of the patient being calm, the alternate binomials of EM origin often persisted, so we had to go deeper into the EM conditions that insure good pulse control. To achieve this, the electromagnetic environment (biophysical, biochemical, radiational, conductive) both weak and strong, had initially to be analysed.


This analysis of the sources of oscillations is instructive as much in the domain of live EM fields (lamps, electric motors, cell phones.) as in the domain of passive EM fields (pharmaceutical substances).

Is the prevention of all the disruptive factors we have just analysed sufficient? Unfortunately, the answer is no. The physician’s efforts at stabilising the pulse of quite a few patients was unsuccessful: many presented intense spontaneous oscillations and remained resistant to all correcting measures.

Should we be jealous of our Chinese predecessors who did not have to put up with the EM bath in which we are immersed these days? No, because subtle ambient electromagnetism (biological and physical) already existed, as was proved by our study of the symmetrical arrangement of objects.
Was this symmetrical set-up satisfying and more importantly sufficiently accurate? Was this endeavour utopian? We have criticised the bad practice of Dr P. Nogier and his students (random disposition of the objects on the examination table). Can we be certain that bilateral EM information guarantees neutrality when it is global? On the contrary, is this information not simply symmetrical too?


Pulsology 4

SRT’s will enable us to regulate the pulse, in a temporary way. We will then be able to see that human beings are divided into 2 groups, each one having a clean EM polarity. A secondary problem arises from this observation, which we will mention here without giving the solution: can there be incompatible EM waves between examiner and examined? The SRT’s, with their two contradictory sides, are however at the origin of a major obstacle which they helped to highlight: slow oscillations.
The USRT’s (Unipolar) are SRT’s armoured, on one side, with an iron plate. With them the slow oscillations induced by the SRT disappear. The USRT’s make it possible to confirm the double polarity of human beings and to highlight the structure of the EM cutaneous coating. This cutaneous coating appears as a checker work. There are 2 types of checker work according to the patient’s EM polarity. The cutaneous fields which make up each checker work are delimited by boundary lines within the particular structure.
The VS’s, vectorial sensors, derive from the fact that the USRT’s have vectors. By piling up two USRT’s, according to the orientation of these vectors we obtain the BVS, Bi-directional VS, and the UVS, Uni-directional VS. The BVS enables us to reveal resonance phenomena and the UVS the opposite phenomena of inhibition of subliminal EM information. The properties of these instruments, because of their vectors, are not distributed in a homogeneous way in space…


The SRT’s and their derivatives produced answers to a certain number of problems which we had encountered and represented an important moment in our fundamental research. They enabled us to update a certain number of parameters and to analyze them.

They revealed the limitations of our parameters: complexity of construction, bad distribution of amplification or restricted fields of examination. A major problem, the phenomenon of the Doctor-Patient Bubble, was not yet taken into account.



Pulsology 5

Thanks to an electronics specialist, EM walls, made up of UVC bars, were replaced by galvanized steel corner iron walls. WBW sets will enable us to contain if not control the “Bubble” phenomenon. We will try, certainly, to explain how these sets function but without going as far as completely clearing up their mystery.
The White Black White (WBW) or Black White Black (BWB) rosette sets gave us a great deal of satisfaction. The effects of WBW and BWB sets, identifiable by the White and Black, can be blocked by grey paper masks.
This chapter, which represents the last word in our technique, is probably the most important. All the following chapters will depend on it.


We have described the evolution of our research chronologically. The various instruments, which were adapted to the various parameters that we successively met, each contributed interesting elements of analysis.

To date, the galvanized corner irons (grey in colour) which confined our field of examination have been replaced by grey paper sheets which insulate all our instruments and medicine boxes.
We finally explained the fundamental problem of the Doctor-Patient Bubble for which feeling the pulse is responsible. Positive and negative information is communicated in both directions by conduction on the skin of the two participants. We reveal the importance of the grey sandwiches which at the same time make it possible to insulate and diffract EM information and then to impose it.
At the end of this book, in the Appendix, we develop two subjects: “the Patient-Practitioner Bubble” and “Electromagnetic fields and plane geometry”.



Pulsology 6

Labradorite or LBD is a very curious, crystalline stone, often sold with one side polished to highlight its characteristic iridescence. We will see in this chapter how this stone became the “philosopher stone” of Pulsology, of EM medicine, as the dynamic pulse of Nogier is the “touchstone”.

In addition, we approach the concept of torsion fields. Spinor 2 or Geodd are devices which rectify the left torsion fields.


After many experiments in all areas, this chapter summarizing the virtues of Labradorite became an essential component of all the chapters dealing with biological and pharmacological substances. We place it here because it represents an important stage of our technical epic.

Labradorite became inseparable from our experimental work, if only because of its capacity to get rid of primary EM pollution.

Spinor (or Geodd) and the “clover node” are our last acquisitions. They rectify the non EM torsion waves which accompany all our basic EM information. They manage to neutralize the anti-clockwise torsion fields while supporting the clockwise ones. They have a capacity for secondary de-pollution.
In practice, Geodd and its alter ego, the clover node, allow us to divide EM and non EM information into homogeneous “form fields”, starting from salivary information formatted in isomorphic sandwiches.


Pulsology 7

The pulsological definition of a substance relies on EM affinities which connect it to two basic bimetallic EM detectors. Two simple EM detectors, one linear, the other coaxial, are described and used.

When several remedies are introduced into the field to make tests, very serious interferences appear between these products. To avoid this, it became essential very early on in our research to classify groups of substances, our objective having always been the same: to test remedies in sets, not individually. All the remedies initially settled into four EM groups.

Currently, to these groups based on bimetallic detectors, other groups based on the WBW and BWB rosette sets have been added. The concept of “Black” and “White” remedies was conceived. This second classification takes precedence over the first.
This talk on the EM classification of pharmacological products is Pulsology’s earliest contribution, in spite of the many errors caused by the badly controlled insulation of our field of examination and the inexperienced fingers of the manipulator.
The discovery of EM pollution, if pharmacological products are kept next to each other, makes this classification absolutely essential if each drug is to retain its informative purity.
This chapter is fundamental to an understanding of all the chapters which follow…


This chapter, one of the oldest to be written, was altered and added to many times. Classification of the medicines was essential from the outset and led us, via the pulse, to invent suitable instruments to make it possible to define their EM characteristics. But many classification errors slipped into our groups because of poor control of our examination field, EM pollution of the substances and their EM classification.

Thus we could distinguish two types of classification: one starting from the linear and coaxial bimetallic detectors (groups 333, 111, 11, 1), the second starting from sets WBW or BWB (W+, W(-), B+ B(-)); this second classification is more important than the first. We saw the importance of EM pollution between the remedies W and B in contact and the necessity of their cleaning by Labradorite.
In practice, any classification will be done in the opposite order of what we described in the chronological order (discoveries). Thanks the Labradorite crystal, we will start with the cleaning of EM-polluted substances; then we will classify them initially according to four sets’ WBW and BWB and finally according to EM detectors.

The study of the Labradorite crystal properties leads us to a thorough study to clear of EM pollution, not only of pharmacological but also of biological pollution which is even more important.

While waiting, we will approach what these bimetallic detectors EM enabled us to describe: points of acupuncture.


Pulsology 8

Acupuncture points are found on four conspicuous sites.
1) The skin, where the well-known classical points are situated.
2) The body’s median line (anterior – posterior).
3) The body’s lateral vertical lines, the median and lateral lines of the limbs and the horizontal lines, the one passing through the navel, the one passing through the nipples and the ridges of the shoulder blades (with the areolae of the breasts and those, virtual, of the scapulae). Specific sites can be linked to the latter because of the nature of its points: the maxillaries in front and the parietal-occipital region at the back.

To each of these three sites corresponds a type of acupuncture point and a specific detector-aerial…


In the course of this study of the acupuncture points in which we pointed out the relationship between these four types of points and skin sites, we observed that the detectors will have been 2 EM basic metal detectors (Gold-Silver and the Bic point), the Mixed one, T WB and the LW-LB.
Let us recall that it is during analysis and classification of the remedies that priority was given to perfecting these detectors. The bimetallic detectors and the WBW, BWB sets are as suitable for analysis of acupuncture points as for biochemical analysis of substances. Their appropriateness is rather gratifying because of the cohesion is gives to our studies.
We also present the methods which use the Labradorite stone, the Geodd and the clover node; Because of the acupuncture points which they display, these methods are complementary.


Pulsology 9

Pulsology is quite sophisticated in its language (the binomials of the pulse), in the four types of acupuncture points of EM origin which appear spontaneously, and in its biochemical substances (classified in four x four EM groups). The physical devices I have introduced for experimentation are no less sophisticated. It may seem that no medical diagnosis is involved, but on the contrary Pulsology can only be used by medical doctors proficient in medical diagnosis and familiar with paraclinical investigations.
A patient’s saliva is very interesting: it is like a document packed with rich information. The latter can be transferred to third parties or on the practitioner himself: the points are therefore no longer spontaneous but passively displayed. The saliva, coming from patients suffering from the same disease, displays the same acupuncture point diagram, on the body and the ears.
Hence, with the saliva of rare diseases, we can constitute a reference “saliva-library” for etiological purposes.

Organotherapeutic tests, that help us to confine a disease, are inadequate for the purposes of etiological diagnosis…


Pathological saliva has a huge capacity for information. In contact with any third party, it transfers all the acupuncture points it carries onto that third party. It also possesses the extraordinary power to neutralize and inhibit the pathological points of the support-subject. Information is not, therefore, added on but substituted.

This basic phenomenon enables the medical practitioner to test medicines on himself and to indicate all the medicines suitable for the patient who gave the saliva sample.
A method for confining a pathology using organic tissues applies the same procedure.
The invariability of the acupuncture points that manifest themselves on the body and ear from saliva samples from different people with the same pathology leads us to the concept of reference pathology. A method for diagnosing can be derived from it: it is based on the “saliva-library” (later, on analogical colours).


Pulsology 10

These tests are applied to various sets of drugs, gathered throughout several years. If allopathy forms the overwhelming majority to the point of being subdivided in sub collections linked to the classical specialties, other collections are available. Homeopathy, Phytembryotherapy or Gemmotherapy (buds, young shoots, young roots, barks), Oligotherapy, Allergens are all very important. An Organotherapic collection of the Boiron laboratories, made from healthy pig’s organs (differentiated tissues of the organs, diluted and excited by 9CH), was set up. Beside their therapeutic advantage, these organs allow us to specify the analysis of pathological sites.
Each family of medicines is pigeonholed in boxes according to the model described in chapter 7.

The drug tests aim at electing the remedies which are most favourable with the patient. The drug tests are done all starting from the saliva of the patient.

These drug tests can be difficult to perform on patients taking several drugs, often corrupted by iatrogenic effect. In fact some medicines are ambivalent, both useful and a little toxic; others, appropriate by themselves, are incompatible with one another. The pulse can help us to solve these problems…


The tests of remedies must be done under strict conditions of EM and torsion fields’ insulation: the boxes of drugs piled up, which are in the field, must be doubled inside with grey paper and with a clover at the top of each pile.
To detect the remedies favourable with the patient, the implied boxes (by the clinic pathology) are introduced into the field.

The selection of the remedies is done according to processes that we already described in acupuncture (chap8). It reveals us the four types of remedies corresponding to the four types of skin fields.

We review finally the problems concerning the patients taking several drugs, which leads us to differentiate useful drugs, the indifferent ones, the ambivalent ones, the harmful ones.


Pulsology 11

We have seen that the organ tissues, through contact with the skin, display acupunctural meridians on it, which characterise the tissue: they are virtual linkages of acupunctural points having in common the same orthogonal line, the same carrier line. Pharmacological substances, when applied to the skin, also display their presence, in the form of specific acupunctural points, in the shape of crosses.
But before proceeding, let us analyse the relations between the sensors and the skin…


Each of the four EM sensors is assigned to a specific skin site: the fields for the first, the median line for the second, the maxillary-occipital crown for the third, and the border lines for the last (White Black T of Nogier).
Each remedy of the 16 groups, defined by the EM sensors and the 4 sets W+, B+, W(-), B(-), can be displayed passively on these 4 skin sites and under one of the 4 forms (orthogonal or stellar, Oscillating or Zero) of the acupunctural point. Each drug is also displayed in form of points of torsion.
We have begun the study of the images projected by the organ tissues: these projections have the shape of oriented meridians, regions and points.

This study supplements the chapters treating of the EM anatomy of the skin covering, that of the acupunctural points and that of EM classification of the substances. Let us note the close connection which links the sensors, the skin sites and the various forms of acupunctural points which the 4 groups of remedies passively display.


Pulsology 12

This chapter is a summary of the preceding expositions. It shows the connections between all the pieces of the puzzle: the EM structure of the skin fields, the EM structure of the pharmaceutical substances, the match between the sensors / antennae and these structures. All these elements have a common spot where they focalise and express themselves: the acupunctural point.

This chapter underscores the active bringing out of pathological points by the patient (but especially by his saliva) and the significance of the tests of the medicines. The primacy of the practice of the pulse is strengthened by it…


The EM Infrastructure of our Medicine is pressed on plane geometrical fields. The skin of the human body can be reduced to 4 privileged EM fields; it is the support of the various types of orthogonal and stellar points of acupuncture. The plane presentation of the biochemical substances supports their classification in four groups and 16 sub-groups.

Neutral instruments make it possible to select information. These instruments go from plane rosettes WBW and BWB to the Tourmaline and Labradorite crystals which have an axial plan. Plans of grey paper, which isolate the boxes from remedies of the field of examination, are also used. Pathological saliva itself is bagged in Minigrip and is placed between two grey plans.

All these instruments work in synergy with the detector-antennas in L shape which channel the information emanating at the same time of saliva, the points of acupuncture and the favourable drugs. Between these elements a mutual resonance must appear with the pulse.

If, at the beginning, the clearing and the cleaning of the EM environment, cluttered with multiple and contradictory information (the slow oscillations were a translation of this), required a lot of tactile acuity, the situation is different now. The various treatments of insulation of the examination space prevail henceforth, making the radial pulse, which became very eloquent, accessible to everybody.


Pulsology 15

The micro-immunotherapy, the buds therapy, the trace-elements therapy, the aromatherapy and the herbal medicine also benefit from the powerful receiving sensitivity of the skin and the not less strong expressiveness of the pulse. The Pulsology considerably simplifies this problem: the indications of the immune-competent substances like are the gems (buds, young growths…) whose significance is of highest importance in cancer treatments, but also in other pathologies with very serious immunological deficits…


The buds therapy has very good prospects against an undreamed number of other very grave immunological pathologies and often stripped of very therapeutic effective. The association of 4 buds, 2 white + and (-), 2 black + and (-), is always to be sought. It is obvious that if this approach, initiated by Dr. Pol Henry, is taken into consideration and passed on as deserved, many other buds could fill this short list of fifty buds and young shoots and increase considerably the number of the possible treatments.
The trace-elements therapy is very important. It overlaps at the same time ordinary therapy and homeopathy.
If micro-immunotherapy, contrary to homeopathy, does not have semiology, it does not answer the pulsological technologies less (classifications and tests), and it proves to be very interesting as well about the physiological as the therapeutic domain, especially in oncology.
The aromatherapy and herbal medicine appear indicated for various and unexpected pathologies.


Pulsology 18

The results of a technique must be measured with the ell of the results; in medicine the clinical results are the only judges. These clinical results remain however debatable because of the multiple factors placebo, suffering individualities, the remedies of which we lay out but also because of the statistical problems which rise from the first three factors.
Nevertheless, we will review some examples of rather specific pathologies. From monopathologic salivas, we will see what the tests of remedies propose to us like favourable drugs. Let us recall that these tests require sets of pharmacological substances classified in sixteen sub-groups (chapter 7). They require also pathological saliva and taking the pulse (chapter 10)…


The coherent results which we have just exposed depend on an internal logic; they are also corroborated by the clinical results we obtain. That they are clinical or logical these results are based on several mysteries whose Pulse of Nogier is the main thing.